union chapel inslington london uk
a sound installation by tiago c
Between January and March 2010, tiago c. wandered around the Union Chapel (Islington- London) capturing sounds: the sound of voices in hallways, the tuning of instruments, soundchecks, quiet noises, footsteps, doors opening and closing, the sound of sirens and traffic outside, the sounds of the unpredictable, the sound of “ghosts”…) and filming spaces, objects and architectural details (stained glass, windows, doors, shadows, corridors…). The idea was to make a documentary-essay, a collage of sounds and images to be presented in the form of a 30 minutes video/sound installation to be played in a loop. Here, sound is the primordial element. It is sound that reveals the vitality of a sacred building which became one of the most prominent live venues in the London music scene.
more info click HERE